
What do you Collect?

“The things you own end up owning you. It’s only after you lose everything that you’re free to do anything.” ― Chuck Palahniuk

I’ve always found it interesting to see what people Collect: Cars, Stamps, Thimbles, Dolls, Shot Glasses, Art, Figurines, etc.  When people would ask me if I collected anything jokingly I used to say “dust”, because I never really thought about collecting things.  After losing Joe, and everything I loved about our life I realized I had collected something.  I collect Good Books, Good Friends, and Good Memories!

Good Books filled with good stories, new thoughts, and principles have shaped the way I think, which ultimately shaped the way I lived!  The day you quit learning, you quit living!  The best books I have ever read have become like some of my best friends!  I refer to them again, and again as life changes, because though times may change, wisdom and  principles don’t.  God says in Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is alive and active, Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates to even dividing soul and spirit; joints and marrow, it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.”  I came to witness the transformative power of God’s Word when I visited a Memory Care unit one Christmas.  A large group of us would go in every Christmas Eve with gifts for the residents, sing Christmas carols, and love on them.  Every time I passed this patient she would say “Hi!, What’s your name?”  Not once or twice, but every time!  But . . .when I said a prayer of blessing over them, and used God’s Word – she finished the scripture I was saying.  I was stunned!  The nurse  who took care of them began to cry as she said to me “No matter how ravaged their minds become with Alzheimer’s Disease, God’s Word is Powerful, Living, and Active that it is the One Thing they can remember, when they cannot even remember who they are!”  If you want to change your life ~ collect God’s Word in your heart!

Good Friends are not something you find to collect, but they develop over time through life’s journey.  What I have found though, is as you travel through life, you develop more friendships along the way.  And one day if you’re blessed as I am, you will have a collection of the most beautiful, unique, loving friends you can call on a moment’s notice if you need them!  When you lose it all, you discover who your true friends really are.  They drop everything, they come, they sit, they cry, they cook, they clean, they don’t try to “fix” you, they just Love you right where you are!  And the amazing thing about good friends, is they Always leave you better than they found you!  We were created for community.  We were not meant to travel this journey of life alone.  If you want to become a stronger, more confident, joyful person, it starts with having a collection of Good Friends, and that starts by “being” one first!  I am able to weather more storms, not by being strong alone, but by being supported by the arms of Good Friends!

Good Memories are usually made at the most insignificant moments, not just on preplanned special occasions.  They are created by making every moment significant, every occasion special,  by being “Present to the Moment”!  We are a society of “multi-tasking”.  We can cook dinner, talk on the phone, watch TV, and do a load of laundry all at the same time.  Though I am a master at “multi-tasking”, one thing I’ve found is you cannot multi-task and create lasting memories, or relationships at the same time.  Our society is more technologically advanced than that of any other before us.  However, we are more disconnected than any before us too!  When you lose it all, looking at posts on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. won’t help you get through the day.  However, thinking back to a moment of total wonder in a child’s eyes the first time they see the ocean, or a warm embrace from a Loved One while sitting by the fire, etc. those are the memories that will sustain you when your world seems to fall apart!  If you want to collect Good Memories, put down your phone, be totally present (mind, body, and spirit) and pay attention to how “Good” this moment, right now, with these people, at this place really is!  You cannot multi-task a memory.  They are spontaneous to us, but preplanned for your pleasure by God, and if you don’t pay attention you will miss it!

There is nothing wrong with being a collector, just make sure you’re collecting the right things!  The less I own  the richer I am in Love, Laughter, and Living!  Heavenly Father thank You for teaching me to be a Collector of the things that matter.  When it’s all said and done the only things I can take with me are the Wisdom I’ve gained, the Friends I will meet again, and the Memories I’ve made along the way!

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