
Builders in Heaven?!

I received a text from my daughter today when she was greeted by a Facebook Memory of her dad. My husband was standing next to my other daughter, Kelly, after he had just finished building an 11 foot wide, lighted Bookshelf, TV entertainment center that is a treasured focal point in her home.  Nothing brought more joy to Joe Weaver than to use his God-given gifts and talents of building, to build something for someone he loved! I’m going to copy and paste Mandy’s text to me below, as it is such a poignant memory that God used to bring Joy to another broken heart as He Promises in Psalm 34:18. “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit”.  I pray this helps to put a smile on your face too today my sweet friends!

The Text from my daughter Mandy:  “This popped up in my memory today, and as I was thinking about our future eternity in Heaven, and some of the rewards God promises us of mansions . . . I imagined that dad is helping build them.  Because, I imagined that just as God allows us to be a part of His mission here on earth (using the talents He gifts us with to accomplish His will and work), I imagine that to be true in Heaven too!  I was filled with joy thinking about dad joyfully using his building talents to build heavenly mansions for others who will reap those heavenly rewards!  Is that how we will praise, worship, and serve God in Heaven?  I don’t know for sure , but I believe God gave that vision today, and I wanted to share!”

What a Beautiful image of what Heaven could be like!  Everyone of our Loved Ones who have gone before us in death Healthy, Happy, Doing what they were gifted by God to do, in Worship of their Savior, and in preparation for their Loved Ones who will follow!  We will Not be floating around on clouds, with halos and harps, bored out of our mind.  Our Creator is much too Loving and Creative for that!  As Joe Weaver said when they were filming him at the end of his life “I think when we get to Heaven it will be like ‘damn this is better than I could have ever even imagined” (of course the producer edited that line! LOL).  I think of how my grandpa loved to tinker, my grandma loved to cook, my Aunt Dot loved to play games, my father-in-law loved to fish, etc.  Could you imagine “Going Home” knowing they had been preparing for your big arrival with our Savior!  WOW!

Thank You Father for the graphic vision you gave Mandy, and the new thought you’ve put in my mind about what Heaven “could” be like.  EVERYTHING we DO for You is to Your Glory!  You are the One who knit our gifts, talents, and passions together in our mother’s womb.  You delight in our enjoyment of using those to Honor You!  No matter what Heaven is really like, I know it will be beyond my wildest dreams! Thank You in advance!

3 comments on “Builders in Heaven?!

  1. We love you darling,
    Beautiful message, one I needed as I sit with my
    dad ( a retired builder) .
    Thank you for sharing

  2. Beautiful story and entertainment center. I had to take a double take because I have one so very similar with arches and I agree with the message we continue to do what we are gifted here on for eternity.

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