“There are in life a few moments so beautiful, that even words are a sort of profanity.” ~ Diana Palmer

No matter how dark and painful this world can be with its death, violence, and evil; there is not a day that goes by that I am not stopped in Awe of Your Wonders Oh God!  It happens when I least expect it.  Driving down the highway, taking a walk, or just sitting under a starlit sky with my thoughts on all the things I have to do, problems to be solved, decisions to be made, or relationships to be repaired.  Suddenly, You capture my attention by the wonder of Your Works!  Today was one of “those” days as I sat with what seemed like the weight of the world on my shoulders, I looked up and there You are! Your Power and Glory on display in the pink and orange sunset that illuminated the sky.  It’s You Heavenly Father, reminding me no matter how ugly and painful the world may be ~ YOU ARE ALL THINGS BEAUTIFUL, LOVELY, WORTH WORSHIPPING, AND YOU ARE IN CONTROL!

“But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds in the sky, and they will tell you; or speak to the earth, and it will teach you, or let the fish in the sea inform you. Which of all these does not know that the hand of the LORD has done this? In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.” ~ Job 12:7-10. 

It is sad to think that of all the works God has created we are the Only one of His creations that doubt His existence!  Even if we claim to believe in Him, we don’t believe Him. Instead, we defy Him, Curse Him, and even question His purpose for creating us. Does a bird question why it was made, why it should fly rather than walk, or where its next meal is coming from?  No!  Even when an animal experiences times of hunger, pain, or death, it does not question its Creator. Why then do we?

Romans 8:19-23 says “All of creation groans inwardly, because it is in bondage to decay, but that it waits with eager longing for when Jesus Christ returns and makes everything right!”  Do I groan inwardly?  No!  I complain about my troubles publicly,  arguing the unfairness of it all, and post it on social media for the world to agree.  Do I long eagerly for Jesus to return?  No!  I pace, shake my fist, justify my demands, and question that God even cares for me.  It is so easy to become consumed by the ugliness of this world. However, when my soul grows weary from the fight, and I fall to my knees in prayer, and I eagerly long to see God . . . He shows up in the most beautiful, awe inspiring ways!  A thunderous wave crashing on the beach leaving a collage of every color and size of seashell.  A forest so thick and lush with an entirely hidden world of wildlife that exists within it.  The agony of pain interrupted by the first gasp of a breath, and then the cry of a newborn baby.  An entire Galaxy of stars too many to count, when one shoots across the blackness.  The display of His Glory in creation around me serves as a reminder: “I am here Julie.  I see your anger, fear, loneliness, and hurt.  I have not forgotten you, I have not forsaken you, and I AM making all things work together for your good, and My Glory!  Do not lose heart, don’t doubt, for though My Promise to make All things right (no more sickness, no more death no more sorrow Rev. 21:4) delays, it will surely come in MY Perfect Timing.” (Habakkuk 2:3)

Christmas should be a “stop you in your track, awe inspiring moment”, IF we will take time to really see it.  We have commercialized it with Santa, Black-Friday Shopping, and Reindeers.  It was Not like the Christmas pageants we see portrayed, with a tidy little wooden stable, clean hay, and 3 wisemen in attendance.  Have you ever been in a stable?  It was dirty, had cobwebs, mice, feces, fleas, animals that stunk, and it was damp and musty.  There were no sterile instruments, no doctor to assist in delivery, or clean bassinet waiting near by.  Among the cacophony of animal snorts, moos, and whinnies, lay a scared young woman who had never had sex, much less experienced any prenatal breathing or birthing classes to reassure her that all would be well.  No one to tell her what to do, hold her hand, wipe her brow, or prop her up with another pillow.  Through the agony and exhaustion of painful labor, she would push with all her strength to bring into the world the Son of God in flesh.  I imagine . . . in that very moment there was not a creature stirring.  At the sound of Jesus’ first cry, every animal stood silently in awe as even they knew they had just met the Son of God, their Creator.  Mary and Joseph’s nervous laughter still trembling with fear knowing they were holding, and called to raise the Savior of the World!  How could they?  How would they?  Then, in the midst of the ugliness of a stable, scared and alone, God showed up in the most beautiful, awe inspiring way.  The entire stable suddenly  illuminated as the Stars in the Heavens bowed down in worship leading Shepherds and Wisemen from afar to worship King Jesus!    Right there in the Ugliest of places, God chose to give us the most Beautiful of Gifts . . . His Son Jesus to be our Savior!  Most of the world missed the Beautiful birth of their Savior, because they were blinded by the “ugliness” in their hearts.

So it is today my friends!  We live in the ugliest of times:  Sex Trafficking, Pornography, Abortion, Addiction, Disease, Physical Abuse, Suicide, Murder, Death, Suffering, Hunger, Homelessness, Violence, Racism, Wars, etc.  Yet, every day if we will take notice God shows up in the most beautiful, awe inspiring ways (a Brilliant Sunset, a Rainbow, an Eagle soaring in the sky, a Random Act of Kindness from a stranger, the birth of a child, the call from a friend, etc). I believe He does this to remind us though we are surrounded by the ugliness of a broken and sinful world, that He sees us, He Loves us, and He is coming back for us to take us to our Eternal, Home in Heaven with Him where everything is Beautiful.   Think of it . . . EVERYTHING WILL BE BEAUTIFUL IN HEAVEN, because nothing sinful, ugly, painful is allowed (there shall be no more tears, no sickness, or sorrow Rev. 21:4)!  Even we will be made Beautiful!  No more scars, no more hurt, no baggage of abandonment or shame.  All will be wiped away by the Saving Grace of Jesus Christ and His Righteousness! The Bible says that when King Jesus returns that  EVERY knee will bow in Awe & Reverence, EVERY tongue will confess in Praise & Worship that Jesus Christ is Lord!

Heavenly Father may I ALWAYS BE IN AWE OF YOU, and may I always seek to be a vessel of Your Beauty in the midst of the ugliness of this world!  Thank You for showing up to remind me:   You see me, You Love me, and You’re coming back for me!

5 comments on “Awe in the Ugly

  1. Dearest Julie I am always blessed by the insight the Lord gives you. Thank you for sharing your soul!🙏

  2. Beautiful and thank you Julie for sharing what God has done and will do! Merry Christmas to you and your family! Hugs

  3. I love you Julie! Your words your insights your transparencies are blessings to all who read and hear! ❤️🙏🏻

    1. Thank you so much sweet friend! Praying God uses this pain to help another broken heart!

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