
How do you say Goodbye?

With a couple of hours to kill, I sat outside of the airport enjoying the warmth of the desert air, reflecting on my long list of “To Do’s” when I arrived back home.  I was aroused from my thoughts as I became keenly aware of the myriad of people being dropped off  at the airport curb saying their “goodbyes”.  A mom’s stern voice bidding her kids to get out of the car and say their goodbyes to grandma and grandpa who’d come for a visit, A husband giving last minute instructions for his wife to call a mechanic to fix the car, A manly hug by two older men saying “Let’s do this again soon”, A warm embrace and an “I Love you Mom” from a teary daughter, An intimate embrace followed by a kiss and “I’ll see you on Friday”.  The one that caught my attention more than any other, was a man approximately in his 60’s in a suit with a brief case being dropped off by a young man 20 something.  The older man looked at him and said “I just want to tell you how proud I am of you and all that you’re doing”.  The young man literally stood a foot taller, filled up with tears, and buried his face in the older man’s embrace.

After sitting witness to all of these “goodbyes”, the thought occurred to me – – How would we say “goodbye” to someone IF WE KNEW WE WOULDN’T BE HERE TOMORROW?  What words do we need to say to someone we’ve hesitated to speak, because it felt “Awkward”?  What gesture of love do we need to initiate, instead of waiting for them to make the first move?  What instructions, or wisdom do we need to pass on in order for someone to Finish Well in our absence?  WHO do we need to Affirm or give a Verbal Blessing to, so they can stand tall and know they are Loved?

There are so many examples in Scripture about how to say “Goodbye”:  Genesis 49 (Jacob Blessing & giving Instructions to his sons), 1Kings 2 (David giving Solomon Affirmation & Instruction),  Deuteronomy 33 (Moses declares a Blessing over the Tribes of Israel), Luke 24:49-51 (Jesus Blessing & Giving instructions to the Disciples)

When it became evident that Joe was going to die, I watched in awe as he systematically set out to FINISH WELL!  He spent time with each of his kids privately to let the know what He saw in them, and how proud he was of them.  He asked me to call certain people to come and sit with him so he could talk to them ~ not for his sake, but for theirs.  To let them know it was ok to say “goodbye”, and to have the hard conversation they were avoiding, but would regret if they didn’t.  He set up systems for finances, and painstakingly taught me month by month what to do.  He boldly asked loved ones “Are you settled with Jesus, because I want to make sure you’re going to be with me in Paradise?”.  He recorded a video for each of his family members reminding them things would be hard, but Affirming his love and belief in each one, so they could stand strong when he was gone.  He even bought me a dog, much to my protest, because he said “You will need a companion when I’m gone”.  Every day when he woke up he spent getting ready to say “goodbye”, because he knew it could be his last.


What IF we were to Live each day that way?  How different life would be when: grudges didn’t matter anymore, what people thought of our awkward, affection or tears didn’t matter, and we weren’t concerned about anything EXCEPT HOW MANY PEOPLE WE CAN TAKE WITH US TO PARADISE?

I admit the days since Joe passed have been the most painful days of my life!  BUT . . . the way he Finished His Race inspired me to Run My Race with intention and purpose!  Joe had the privilege of knowing he was nearing the finish line, but each of us is not promised tomorrow.  James 4:13-14  “Come now, you who say, “Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit”; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.”  So, what if we lived each day preparing to say “goodbye” and to Finish better than we started?

Father, forgive me when I get so caught up in my life today: the “To Do’s”, the problems, what people think of me, anxiety over my plans for the future, etc.  I am not promised tomorrow, so help me to focus on Running the Race of My Life intentionally to Glorify You!  I WOULD RATHER DIE BOLDLY THAN TO LIVE SHEEPISHLY!  Help me to live as if I have Nothing to Lose!




5 comments on “How do you say Goodbye?

  1. Blessings to you Julie! Thanking you for continuing to bodily live as GOD who have you… even when you feel like you have nothing to lose.

  2. Beautiful Julie! It’s kind of random that I be on linked In today but not really 🙂 Beautiful message and reminder.

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