I was privileged to know Joe Weaver for 41 years of my life!  Besides being my Best Friend, Husband, Father of my children, Coach, and Biggest Cheerleader, he was the Kindest man I ever knew!  His Faith was simple, (click on his memorial link to see his testimony of Faith played at his Service), his Guiding Principles were Clear (A Good Name – Proverbs 22:1, Love Out Loud – 1 Corinthians 13:4-7, Does my Life Bear Fruit?– Galatians 5:22-23), and his impact on others is still living on!  HOW?

Joe’s Memorial Video

If you’ve ever been a Guest in someone else’s home then you know that you treat them with the utmost respect and kindness.  You use your best manners, try to honor Their way of doing things, and try to leave their home as good or better than you found it.  THAT is what God meant when He said in 1Peter 2:11-12: 11 “My divinely loved friends, since you are resident aliens and foreigners in this world, I appeal to you to divorce yourselves from the evil desires that wage war within you. 12 Live honorable lives as you mix with unbelievers, even though they accuse you of being evildoers. For they will see your beautiful works and have a reason to glorify God in the day he visits us.” TPT

People may forget what you do or what you say, but they will never forget how you made them feel!  It is so easy to get angry and caught up in the violence, disrespect, and chaos of “this” world, but have you ever thought – – YOU are a Guest here?  Are YOU using your best manners, showing respect and kindness, and what are YOU doing to leave it Better than you found it?  What would the world look like if we ALL treated each other as Guests?  For our 35 years of marriage, Joe and I vowed that we would not speak, treat, or act nicer to others than we would to each other.  We vowed to speak each other’s Love Language more fluently than our own.  We vowed to never show disrespect, or even disagreement in front of others. We challenged each other to grow individually, and shared our growth collectively so as to keep our relationship exciting and go the distance together!  Did we always succeed – No!  Was it always easy – No!  Was it worth it – YES!

In Joe’s final moments here on this Earth, he looked me in the eyes, we kissed, and I said “That’s right My Love, Look at me and then close your eyes and Look into the Face of Jesus”, and he did!  You see, Joe was just a Guest here for 55 years, that I had the privilege of hosting for 35 years as his wife.  He left my presence much better than he found it.  He captured my heart every day by treating me with Love, Respect, and Kindness.  Though our days together ended much sooner than we would have wished, and my tears continue to fall at his absence, Joe’s life challenged me to live better, because he modeled in life and in death, that we are only a Guest!

19 comments on “Be My Guest!

  1. well said. if only we all could live that way. God Bless you Julie Prayers are with you

    1. You are incredible as always! My heart bleeds for you everyday. What a rick of strength and inspiration you are, thank you for being you!

  2. God Bless you and your family, Julie. Your writing has been such a blessing to me and to so many others. Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Again much love and many prayers for you and your family❤❤

  3. Joe Weaver….my mother used to say only the good die young, which isnt true, but in Joe’s case so the truth. But Joe lives through you and the children Julie. Heavens gain, our profound loss. Thats twice I’ve said in a week. Much too often. Love you and praying for you.

  4. Thank you Julie for continuing to share your thoughts (and your amazing LOVE STORY with Joe) with us. ❤️

  5. Thank you for sharing. God shared your testimony at Career Conference when you became a National. I was inspired by your testimony, honesty and integrity. I can understand your to a small degree, my dad passed away on August 3, 2018, my brother in 2016 and my mom in 2002. I stayed strong for my dad now I grieve them all. But my joy is they had accepted Jesus long before they told me, so I have peace God is rejoicing they are with him. This part of life is difficult, but your testimony will inspire others. Pattikleiber@yahoo.com

  6. So very sad for you and your precious family. Joe touched the hearts and lives of so many of us who love you both. Know that you are in my prayers.

  7. What a beautiful tribute of yours and Joe’s life. Such a Godly example to us all.

  8. Beautiful Love story. Thank You so much for sharing your testimony with us. Makes me understand that we live for God not for our own comfort. We are here for a reason and a season. God Bless You!

  9. Julie, I was a SD for 5 years with MK and met you and joe at an event ages ago. I don’t even know which event it was, or where it was…before NSD I know. That doesn’t matter. I remember watching you both, hearing your words and seeing your heart! I know I can speak for so many, but you have left peoples lives so much better because they met you and joe and saw your love. I’ve watched you on this journey with Joe and must say when I first read your blog about what Joe had, I gasped and immediately had tears flowing. Thats how much you both impacted my life those many years ago.

    I thank you for writing the above blog post. It was a sincere reminder that we are a guest, and how do we want to leave our legacy.

    I have said many prayers for the healing of your heart with the loss of Joe. Every day you will get stronger and stronger.

    Love you both from afar!


  10. Julie…your testimony of faith is literally mind blowing to me. Thank you for leading by example and allowing me to witness it. Although I never had the privilege of meeting Joe on this side of eternity, I look forward to the conversations we will have in heaven. Thank you for sharing your journey with me.
    – Nikeya

  11. I love reading these posts, Julie. Thank you. I hope that I continue to learn from Joe’s Christ-like example of making sure others FEEL loved and cared for and being an amazing husband… so many lessons. Thank you for blessing us with these stories.

  12. Thanks for continuing to share. And thanks for sharing his video so those of us who have been grieving from a distance could watch and be challenged. Love from DC.

  13. Julie, I am sad for you and your family. Joe was always dear to me. He was my biggest cheerleader when I needed it and always looked out for me when I was in DIQ or earning my car. I am keeping you and your family in my prayers. 💛 Thank you for allowing us to read your journey and being so much to so many!

  14. Dear Julie, I am so so sad to hear of Joe’s passing but so amazed and humbled by your testimony of his life and faith. You two are such an inspiration to all of us. You are in my prayers and Joe will not be forgotten!

  15. Wow, I finally got to see the video after multiple system errors! My goodness, he preached, he gave hope and you could feel the Joy of Knowing Jesus through Joe! Well done, Brother Joe! See you later!

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