
The Difference a Dream Makes!

I was reading the other night in Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl, (book listed on Julie’s Favorite Reads), that the physical, intellectual, or physiological makeup of a man (whether he was big and strong, or small and frail, educated, uneducated, talented or a common laborer), did not make a difference in whether he survived the horrors (torture, starvation, exhaustion, etc) of the Nazi Concentration Camp.  What mattered was whether the man had a Dream or a “Why” that gave him a reason to survive another day!  Now I can understand how important having a Goal can be.  After all, I have spent 30+ years building my own business in Direct Sales, but Goals are Not the same as having a Dream or a Why! My Dream or Why DRIVES me, but a Goal is the map to get there. I can remember when Joe was first diagnosed with his disease, and suddenly this girl who had always prided herself on being able to “pick herself backup by the bootstraps”, couldn’t quit crying.  I was talking with my Life Coach ~ sobbing, when I asked “What is wrong with me?,  Do you think I need counseling?  Why can’t I focus on my goals, and why can’t I quit crying?”.  He said, “Julie, you are mourning the loss of a Dream. You don’t need to focus on a goal right now, and yes. . . you may need to get some counseling.” Each of us has a certain Dream (A Vision of a preferred future), and that Dream becomes our “Why” (the reason we are willing to wake up each day, and give our time, talent, and energy to the battle called Life). I had always worked hard, because I loved what I did.  I found meaning, and purpose in my work, but I always said “Work is not my life, but it is what affords me the life I want!”.  Now don’t get me wrong, money is not everything, but it certainly buys you choices, and I am a woman who enjoys lots of choices!  My “Why” has always been my family, and making a Difference for God’s Kingdom.  Joe on the other hand is a BIG Dreamer!  One of my most treasured times together with him each week is when he insists on buying a PowerBall ticket for the lottery (which I now have to buy for him, against my better judgement).  He can weave me into the most colorful, exciting, extravagant story of how he is going to spend his $40 million, or whatever the jackpot is up to at that time.  Me being the more realistic one, would object to some of his crazy ideas when he would always say “You better be nice, or I’m not going to share any of it with you when I win!”  I may have never had lavish dreams of winning the lottery, but I did dream of spending the winters of Kentucky at our Florida home, traveling with all of our kids & grandkids, writing a book together, speaking on Godly Leadership all across the world, and how we would spend our days of retirement in ministry to married couples. But what do you do when “those” dreams have died, because the whole dynamics of WHO you are dreaming it with won’t be there?  You Cry, because your heart is sick!  And THEN you begin to Discover and Uncover what HIS Dream and Purpose for you looks like! The Bible says in Proverbs 13:12 “Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life”.  My heart was sick, but I refused to let it die!   The Lord said in Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart”, and in Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”  IF I truly Believe that the God of the Universe knit me (Julie Weaver) together in the womb for HIS purpose, with my DNA, my quirks, my complexities, my talents that HE placed in me – – then I have to Believe that “This” (setback, heartache, crisis, illness, divorce, loss of a loved one, whatever it may be in your life or mine) is just a wrinkle in the paper of MY life’s Dream, but is NOT in HIS!  “This” didn’t take HIM by Surprise!  He was not dumbfounded when Joe became ill, when the finances dried up, the marriage ended, the boss let you go, etc.  HE didn’t CAUSE this to happen, (it is a by-product of living in a Fallen world) but HE ALLOWED it to happen because HE PROMISED those of us who have a Saving Relationship with Jesus in Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”  Since HE knit me together for HIS purpose, HE WILL WORK EVEN “THIS” FOR MY GOOD, AND HIS GLORY!  But . . .I have to be willing to let go of MY Dream, MY Preferred Plan, MY Vision of what I THOUGHT my life would look like, in order to Discover and Uncover HIS! Instead of asking WHY?, I am learning to ask WHAT?  “What do you want to teach me through this Lord?  What can I do to glorify You through this Lord?  What is the next step I need to take today?  Am I always clear on the WHAT?  No!  But as each day unfolds with twists, turns, tears, and even unexpected joys, I’m learning that HE has a Plan to give me Hope and a Future!  So, what do you do when you don’t know what to do?  Do something that you DO know!  I know that sounds crazy, but it has and is getting me through some of my toughest days, because it works!  For example:  I know that making a list of things that need to be done, and doing them each day keeps me from feeling “Powerless”, which by the way is the definition of a “Victim”!  Repeat after me:  “I AM NOT A VICTIM!”  God says in Romans 8:37 “Yet in ALL these things we are more than conquerors in Him who loved us.”  Yes, even “THIS”!  I may not be able to change the circumstances, but I can change my attitude, my next step, and my Hope in the outcome! My Dreams are still to travel with my kids and grandkids, spend Kentucky winters in Florida, make a difference for God’s Kingdom, and live full out every measure of my life in Honor to Him!  The “How’s”, the “Who’s”, the “When’s” maybe different than I imagined, but I am learning to let go, and let God rewrite HIS story IN me!  I set simpler goals now (Make a list, Breathe, Make a Call, Write a Note, etc.). I am more compassionate now!  I am more aware of God’s presence in the “little” things in my life! I am learning to give myself more grace when I stumble!  Meaning, I may not be sure what my future looks like, I may be struggling with my emotions today, I may not be sure what is the next best thing to do, but I KNOW, THAT I KNOW . . . I WILL WIN IN THE END and for Today, that is Enough!  

20 comments on “The Difference a Dream Makes!

  1. Julie- watching you live your life out loud for God is so beautiful. I understand exactly what you mean when your dreams aren’t playing out like you’ve imagined. However, letting go and letting God redirect and guide you can be awe-inspiring! I’ve always admired you and will continue to do so. Now, however, I will also be praying for both you and Joe as the Lord directs your steps. Love you. 💕

  2. Wow! Julie I am going through a real difficult time in my life right now. I couldn’t understand it. I have learned to get closer to god. My life went from good to bad to ugly in a matter of less then a year. My God has a plan for me. I know because I feel so much peace in a terrible situation in my life. God has a plan already making my path clear, because things are going smooth in a terrible situation in my life. God has a plan for my life and yours, we need to let him know who’s in charge and life can either go two ways… we make it what it is. We choose to make us feel bad, depressed, sad, lonely, hurt, or angry.
    We choose not to, we make it feel like it will be okay and life goes on, we live to die. We die to live.
    God is our light in our path. He makes all things brighter for the good in our lives. May you be blest today and God will give you love and peace in the days ahead. Love your blog and I am holding your family up in prayers.

  3. I woke up at 3am to read your blog as it appeared. So inspiring and loving. Makes me think twice about what i am doing…whether it is right or wrong. Need to make better choices…thank you for helping put that in proportion…bless you and Joe WITH your travels down the Lords path. God Bless…

  4. You are one amazing women . And I hear your passion and your need to write it all out for others to feel your comforting words. God has a plan.

  5. Oh Julie, I really needed to see this this morning. I cry all the time… except when I’m with him because I feel like I need to be strong for him. I think about what my life will look like down the road and I cannot imagine it. I so admire the faith and strength you and Joe have. Thanks for sharing. Prayers and hugs for you all

    1. Oh Sweet Annette,
      I wrote you a card today, as I was thinking of you and praying for you! No one will ever know the Roller Coaster of Emotions that comes with watching your BFF, Husband, Soul Mate die slowly before your very eyes! It is ONLY through the Eyes of God’s Promise of Eternal Life that I can even breathe knowing no matter how hard it is right now – – I WILL be with Joe again in Eternity! Praying for you!!

  6. Beautifully written, something we all need to learn to do. Trust GOD in ALL things. He is in control. Thank you for your words of encouragement.

  7. great reading
    so sorry that you are going through this but God has a plan it may not be our plan
    Prayers are with you

    I have a husband who has a heart problem and I struggle everyday with only one income and a small disability check. he can’t work anymore. so we just live day to day.
    Take care God is with you.

  8. You are such an inspiration, Julie. Please know that your faith and love are impacting so many. My heart breaks for you and Joe. You are simply amazing. No one really knows what they will do when faced with certain situations. You have certainly risen to the occasion.

  9. Praying for you and Joe asking God to give u strength and hope for each day you have together. Hope you feel loved and wrapped in a warm blanket from your MK family.

  10. Wonderful expression of managing life’s trials!! Such insight is rare in the face of adversity!! Hang on to your Dream. With God, you will minister to so many who desperately need it. I am sure you are living that dream of ministering today!! God will hold you up when you don’t think you can stand!!!

  11. Wow, Julie, thank you!! Have been wondering why I cannot focus and. If I understand. God has. Plan for me

  12. Thank you Julie for sharing your journey! Praying for you, Joe and your family.

  13. And once again God’s words speak through you, His servant! Thank you for never giving up. You make differences you’ll never know this side of Heaven .
    Praying for your family

  14. Julie—thanks for sharing your heart. Man’s Search for Meaning is one of my favorites; there is so much truth there! “I know that I know.” I can hear your sweet mama’s voice saying those words to me when I desperately needed to hear that I was safe and loved even though my world was turned upside down. Take good care. ❤️

  15. Julie, it’s hard sometimes to read your posts because I love you and Joe and it makes my heart hurt to have the smallest understanding of all that’s “happening”. You, Joe, and your amazing family have so much love between you and our mighty God, and you are truly an example of Love your Neighbor as Yourself. Please remember that near or far, you are all always in my heart and my prayers. Prayers are so POWERFUL, and we are all praying. Much much love. Kara

    1. Oh thank you for your sweet words Kara! I DO know the Power of Prayers, because I truly feel them! I used to always hear people say that and think “yeah right”. But sometimes I don’t think I can take one more step, (today was one of those days), and literally as I drove down the road I though someone is praying right now, because I can feel strength to take one more step come over me! I love you so much, and the most treasured part of MK, are the relationships that are priceless, of which you and Terry are one!

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