Think back to Christmas 5 years ago. . . .What was your favorite Gift?  Do you remember?  Do you still use it, get pleasure from it, or do you even still know where it is?  If you’re like me, I can’t remember what I ate last week, much less remember what I received 5 years ago for Christmas, or my Birthday.  Not because I didn’t like the Gifts I received, but because “things” don’t hold that much power to make an indelible impression on our life. The Childhood chant “sticks and stones can break my bones, but words can never hurt me” – is Not True!!  Words have Power! God’s Words tells us in Genesis 1:3 “And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.”, Psalm 33:9 “For He spoke, and it came into being; He commanded, and it came into existence.”, and Proverbs 18:21 “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit”. If you aren’t convinced how powerful someone’s words can be, then how is it I can’t remember what I got for Christmas last year, but I can remember word for word what a third grade teacher said to me in front of the class when I couldn’t solve a math problem? Words spoken to us are infinitely more Powerful than any “Thing” we could be given, because they cause us to feel the exact same emotions we felt when they were spoken:  Anger, Humiliation, Sadness, Joy, Confidence, etc.  So, Words spoken have Power to Steal your Confidence, your Relationships, your Dreams, or they have the Power to Build your Confidence, Build your Relationships, and Build your Dreams!  In a world where we proudly boast “Freedom of Speech”, we need to understand that our Speech is NOT FREE!  Every word we speak comes with a Price!  To edify – “(build up, encourage, and inspire) OR to destroy – (belittle, shame, and make afraid).  Words are like gifts that keep on giving . . . for Good or Bad!  Yesterday, I watched as my husband gave a priceless gift to each one of my children and their spouses.  He told each one specifically of talents he has observed in them, how they have grown, and then challenged them to continue to develop, and use them to Glorify God.  Those words didn’t end when he quit speaking.  They were gifts that will be reopened time and time again – – unwrapped in the Darkness of the Soul, unwrapped when fear is breathing down their neck, unwrapped when they feel “less than enough”, and unwrapped every time they think about their dad when he is dead and gone.  You see, words have the POWER to transcend time, space, and life. James 1:19 says “My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry!”   Wouldn’t our world be a different place IF they saw Words as Gifts, and understood the Power of them?

5 comments on “The Gift

  1. Yes, the power of words can make or break us. God has gifted you with the ability to express yourself through words and I believe your blog will be a source of encouragement for many as you constantly point to Him.

  2. Words ARE important! They can joyously catapult you into the next levels of life, business or ministry or dash your hopes for years! Love you Julie! Thank you for this beautiful lesson!

  3. Amen! Words are can be by far one of the most uplifting blessings, but they can also be one of the most catastrophic downfalls. Well put, Julie!

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