
Quit Nursing the Hurt & Rehearse the Win!

We tend to remember what we should forget, and forget what we should remember ~ Mark Batterson

If it’s been awhile since you’ve experienced a “win” you are probably ripe to fall prey to the lies of the enemy. He whispers in your ear “You’re a Loser, You’ll never be Enough, Look at what happened last time you tried!”, and suddenly you get a bad case of amnesia. You forget Whose you are, and Who you are, and start to believe you’re a Victim of your circumstances! I can’t remember what I ate yesterday, but I can remember word for word an insult someone said about me 30 years ago. Truth: Your circumstances don’t determine whether you win or lose, but the story you make up about yourself, and God’s motive toward you, because of those circumstances does! If you only believe God is “for” you, loves you, and has a purpose for your life when things are going good; you’ll spend most of your life living in fear, anger, and doubt of the One that loves you the most.

God says in Romans 8:28 “in ALL things HE works for the good of those who love Him” He didn’t say it would feel good, or it that it wouldn’t hurt, or even that it would turn out like you hoped it would – just that HE would work it for your good. I prayed, and believed for my husband to be healed, but he died. I was crushed, angry, and hurt. I still grieve his death. However, God has worked so many things for my good, even in the midst of my devastation. God doesn’t cause bad things to happen, but sometimes He allows them to happen. Why? I don’t know, but I do know this. . . I’ve never seen a circumstance that God couldn’t use for our good, and His glory, and isn’t that the definition of a WIN?

We all think of David in the Bible (you know David the shepherd boy who killed the giant Goliath with a slingshot, and later became King) as being a winner, even-though he suffered some bitter losses such as committing adultery, committing murder, having more than one child die, just to name a few. There’s a reason we think of him as a winner, because he didn’t nurse the hurt, he rehearsed the win. Example: Did you know after the prophet announced that David would be King, it would take 15 years before it came to pass. 15 years is a long time to keep believing for a win. Especially, when the current King is trying to kill you. David has no support, no food, no weapon, and no plans. In the midst of running for his very life, God shows up with a reminder to encourage David. David asked the Priest, “Do you have a spear or a sword?” The priest replied, “The sword of Goliath the Philistine, whom you killed is here”. How like God to encourage, and remind David with the very sword from his greatest victory at one of his lowest moments!

I encourage you to read one of the scripts David wrote, and rehearsed in Psalm 27 while on the run for his life. He didn’t ignore his circumstances! Instead, David chose to Rehearse God’s past faithfulness, and praise God for His future faithfulness. He didn’t wait until after God changed his circumstances, instead he rehearsed God’s goodness in the midst of them. David prophesied God’s faithfulness in his future! It’s called “encouraging, or strengthening yourself in the Lord”, and David developed a habit of it. (Read many of the Psalm David wrote throughout his life for encouragement to quit nursing your hurt, and start rehearsing the win). First, you must develop the habit, then the habit will develop you!

Stop trying so hard to get your circumstances to change, that you don’t allow yourself to be changed for good in the midst of them! Joseph Goebbels, Adolf Hitler’s chief spokesperson said “If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes accepted as truth”. Can you afford the script you’ve been rehearsing? Whatever you consistently rehearse, you will ultimately believe as “Your Truth”. The difference between “Your” Truth, and “The” Truth, can make all the difference!

Thank You Heavenly Father that You don’t answer every prayer the way I want it to work out. What a mess I would be in!! Thank You no matter what mess I may be in, YOU are ALWAYS faithful to work any circumstance for my good, and Your Glory! Help me to guard my lips, and praise You even in the storm!

One comment on “Quit Nursing the Hurt & Rehearse the Win!

  1. That was beautiful … my sister n law needed this today and I just called and read that to her… YOU are a blessing to many 🥰

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