“It’s hard to accept the truth when the lies were exactly what you wanted to hear.” ~ Author Unknown
I went to a new doctor this week after not feeling well for some time. I was hopeful to get some answers, but not prepared for what he had to say. “Mrs. Brenia I know I am a medical doctor, and if your body becomes sick or broken, I will do my best to fix you. Maybe I can, or maybe I can’t. However, I like to think of myself as your “Medical Meteorologist”. I want to look down the road into your health, and help you avoid any storms so you can live your life to its healthiest. And based on what I see right now . . . you’re headed for a perfect storm!” I was stunned, I could feel my face turn red with embarrassment, and I was mad. After all, he didn’t know what I had been through being the full-time caretaker for my husband for 5 years until he died. He didn’t know what I am presently going through of taking on my elderly parents’ care, trying to rebuild a business, getting married, etc, and the stress that comes along with it. I wanted to tell my side of the story, I wanted my day in court to plead my case, justify my behavior, and have a verdict of “We understand, just do your best!”. That’s what I Wanted, but it’s not what I Needed. As I sat in stunned silence, my husband Paul said to me, “Julie did you want someone to hold your hand, or did you want the TRUTH?” No one wants the pain of the truth at the time it’s delivered, but we don’t want to live with the aftermath of the lie either, even if the lie is exactly what you want to hear at the moment.
Why is it that we are much more open to accepting the truth after we start experiencing the inevitable pain that choosing to live a lie always leads to? Neuroscience Studies have proven people are motivated by two things: Avoiding Pain, and Seeking Pleasure. The problem is we make these decisions based on our emotions at the moment, rather than truth. When emotions take over (our fleshly desires), Truth, logic, and the cost of the payment (pain) that will surely come in the long-term takes a backseat. Emotions are driven by the heart, and emotions are Not truth! When my heart hears “You can experience the pleasure of (Taking this drug, drink, smoke, or Buying one more thing you want, or Having an affair, or Looking at this porn, or Eating this junk food, or Inflating numbers on an expense report, etc. etc. etc.), and you can stop any time, no one will know, and it won’t catch up to you before you quit.” (the Lie) – – my heart chooses to Seek Pleasure more times than Truth . The pain that any truth brings to you is far outweighed by the pain YOU will bring to your life when you choose to live outside of it. When we choose to gratify the desires of our heart (sin – Yes, let’s call it for what it is), we forfeit the long-term peace that Jesus Christ (Truth) offers us.
“Sin will take you farther than you want to go, keep you longer than you want to stay, and cost you more than you want to pay.” ~ R. Zaccharias
We live in a world that bombards us with lies: “Live your own truth”, “Follow your heart”, “Do what makes you feel good, after all God wouldn’t want you to be unhappy”, etc. The problem with those statements that sound so good, tickle our ears, and yet lead us down a path of pain, and regret is this. None of them are based on God’s Truth. Living MY truth is limited to my views, and my knowledge, and my experience. In other words, my truth is really just my opinion, and opinions change as often as the weather. Hebrews 6:18 says “It is impossible for God to lie.”, so why would I trust me who has lied to myself more times than I can count, over One who cannot lie? Following your heart may sound good, but the Bible says in Jeremiah 17:9 “The heart is deceitful above all things, and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” I know my heart is fickle, and cannot be trusted. I can be excited, and sure about something one day, and be totally depressed and change my mind about it the next, and I still don’t understand it. The Bible says in Numbers 23:19 “God is not a man, that He would lie, Nor a son of man, that He would change His mind; Has He said, and will He not do it? Or has He spoken, and will He not make it good?” Telling myself to do what makes me feel good, because God wouldn’t want me to be unhappy, is about as wise as letting a 2 year old eat cookies for their dinner. It might make them happy at the time, but they will end up fat, and unhealthy. We wouldn’t think of allowing that for someone we love, because we know it’s not in their best interest. The 10 Commandments weren’t just a set of rules God laid down, because He didn’t want us to be happy. They were Commandments to be followed, because God knew breaking them would lead to heartache, and pain! If you listen closely to the lies the world is selling, they all revolve around one thing . . . ME!
When I start to think, and act as if I am the central character of MY LIFE, and that MY LIFE is all about me, and my happiness, I am greatly deceived. Now, more than ever before in history there are more people who are Addicted, In Debt, Depressed, Divorced, and Angry! They are wondering “How could my life have ended up this way?”, but this is what happens when we think We Know Best! Self-deception is the worst, because if you think YOU know what is best for your life, why would you seek the council of anyone else? I used to look at the Bible as a book of Do’s and Don’ts, but God’s Word (Truth) is like a compass. It is Always True, It never goes out of style, It always leads me in the right direction, but if I choose to ignore it, I will be Lost! If I am traveling North, but the compass says I’m traveling South, no matter how good it feels at the time of travel – – I won’t end up where I want to go, and I will be disappointed with the outcome!
Heavenly Father, though hearing, and facing the truth is painful at times, I thank You that You love me enough to once again point me in the right direction. Forgive me for thinking I know what is best for my life. I know it must grieve You to watch someone You love bring pain into their own life, and the life of others. Thank You for the gift of Your Holy Spirit living in me, which Guides me to remember Your TRUTH, Rebukes me to see when I am living outside of it, and Comforts me that I’m loved in spite of it. Help me to marinate in Your Truth, so I can see through the lies of the enemy in my life.
“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is–his good, pleasing and perfect will.” ~ Romans 12:2
Julie, I am always transformed when I read what you write. I must have missed several as there are many things in this months that I did not know. You got married? You have health challenges? Most likely more as the world still does turn and with us with it. Wishing and praying for you….a person I admire and have grown to love how your mind works.
WOW!!! JUST WOW!!!! Thank you for sharing!