I’ve always said that if you gave me a glass of iced tea, and sat me in the airport just to “people watch” I would be a happy camper!  I love to watch the way they dress, the way they interact with others, and then try to imagine what they do for a living, and where they come from.  I especially like to watch people say their “goodbyes”.

When my dad is ready to leave, he looks at my mom and says “Wanda, it’s time to go”, and then he promptly heads towards the door, and if you want a kiss – you better catch him.  Why he still does this after 65 years of marriage I don’t know, because my mom has to hug and kiss everyone goodbye that’s in the room before she can even begin to gather her things to get out the door! Everyone has their own style of saying “goodbye”.  The only commonality is the longer the time apart will be, the tighter the hug, the longer the kiss lingers, and tears (even from those not inclined to show emotion) usually flow.

This past week Joe’s dad suddenly passed away.  We had just seen him the week before as he came to visit bringing a lemon meringue pie, and he and Joe talked and laughed over everything from politics to religion.  Their relationship over the years has not always been close, but since Joe’s illness they had made it a point to see each other more often as they both knew a Long Goodbye was coming. Last week when they visited Joe’s mom asked his dad if he would pray over Joe before they left, and in a very rare display of emotion he cried as he prayed “God if it be your will, please heal my son”.  They enveloped in a warm embrace of tears, neither knowing it would be the last time they would see each other on this side of Heaven, but somehow knowing. . . it could be.  We All thought that Joe would be the first to leave for his Heavenly Home, but I’ve found that it doesn’t matter who is doing the leaving – – “Goodbyes” are never easy for anyone – – those Leaving or Staying!  You can feel the sorrow and concern in Jesus’ words as He prays to the Father for His loved ones that He is leaving behind.  John 17:6-19. 

Heavenly Father help me to treat every “Goodbye” as though it may be the Final one here on Earth.  Help me to Hug a little longer, Kiss a little softer, and say ALL the things that Need to be said without fear of tears that may flow!  Help me to bury any bad memories, words said in anger, or offenses not mended in the sea of Your Amazing Grace!  Because, in the End after we, or our loved ones are gone, it won’t matter who was right or who was wrong. IT ONLY MATTERS THAT WE KNOW WHEN WE SEE EACH OTHER AGAIN IT WILL BE WITH ARMS WIDE OPEN, JOY IN OUR HEART, A SMILE ON OUR FACE, NO MEMORIES OF ANYTHING BUT YOUR AMAZING GRACE, AND A KISS TO SAY “WELCOME HOME I’M SO GLAD TO SEE YOU AGAIN”!





33 comments on “The Long Goodbye!

  1. Dear Julie, my heartfelt sympathy on Joe’s father’s moving on to Heaven. While I know you are grieving losing him on this side of Heaven, I hear peace in knowing his true destination. Thank you so much for inviting me to share in your journey. My love and warmest regards to you guys!!!

  2. Julie & Joe, so sorry for your loss. Know that you are both in my heart. Tears in my eyes reading this…hugs.

  3. I’m so sorry to hear of your father-in-law’s passing. Your words are so always so meaningful but especially this time. We never know when our goodbye might be our last. Thank you for your reminders. Love you and Joe.

  4. Your gift with words is only surpassed by your gifts of faith and love. Over and over in my life you’ve walked into it and bodyslammed me with a message. Thank you for continuing to do it. LOVE YOU BOTH!!

  5. Sniff…sniff makes me think of my Mom and those words that were unspoken. Love your wisdom! ❤️

  6. This is beautiful, Julie. I am praying for you, Joe and your family during this loss. May God give you all peace and comfort. That special last prayer is something to remember for sure. Thank you for sharing. Love you, Cleta Colson-Eyre

  7. 💓 Thank you Julie. We had our first appt with Hospice today for my Dad. I can’t agree with you more. As always your words touch me deeply.

  8. Julie this is soooo good. You got me at the first paragraph because I can’t tell you how many times, Tucky (grandma Dot) would tell me when I was shopping or at the airport, that she’s perfectly content people watching, I don’t go through an airport or pass an empty bench in the mall without thinking of her now. Thank you for sharing your journey, You have a long goodbye,,,and in many ways that’s a blessing. Love y’all and praying.

  9. Julie, I pray for you and Joe that Gods will be done, and I know it is in his time and not ours. I remember Joe from Ralph Ave Baptist and his parents also. His father was a good man and a man of God. He is rejoicing in the Glory of the Lord. Prayers continuing for as long as needed. God Bless you, you are a Godly woman.

  10. Hugs to Joe and Darrel and the entire Weaver family, Reminds is to leave with love and post I’ve words. Love you guys hope Becky and Jim

  11. Magnificent. No other words are needed love and prayers for you,Joe and your wonderful family.

  12. So sweet. What a blessing to mend our relationships and let go of all offenses, and what an even greater blessing knowing you will see your loved one again because of Jesus’ redeeming work on the cross. ❤️

  13. Julie,
    Your faith has always been inspiring to me but now in the presence of so much pain your continued faith and wisdom illuminates the heart of God that I am just getting to know. You inspire me in our Pink world but most importantly you inspire me in our Heavenly world.
    Jackie Selders

  14. My dear sweet friends Julie & Joe. First let me tell u how sorry I am to hear of Joe’s father passing. It’s incredible how you, Julie, can take such a tragedy and make such a beautiful message of it. And second, you are freakin amazing! Your extreme faith challenges me that if I can be at least half the Christian woman that you are then I would be golden. Your faith coupled with the way your mind shapes your thoughts and then brings them to life through your written message is…well…just freakin awesome. I LOVE YOU MY SISTER IN CHRIST! PLEASE give our big guy the biggest hug and kiss on the forehead from me and Ken. We LOVE you both so much. Until we meet again! ❤💛

  15. So beautifully written Julie😢😢 Got chills and tears at the same time reading this. I’m sorry about Joe’s Dad. How incredible to hear of their last time together here on earth!! We think of you both often and I need to be reminded daily how precious every minute is and how quickly time passes. Keeping you in our prayers🙏🙏

  16. So true Julie… on the anniversary of my son’s death, I ponder on the “goodbyes” and take to heart your precious thoughts/words! More and longer hugs today!

  17. May you feel the presence of the Lord during this time. Proverbs 19:21. Thank you for listening to the Lord and putting it in writing. I feel so close to the Lord when I read your heart 💕 stories. You are a blessing and are being used by the Lord to show His light. BIG ((((((hugs)))))

  18. Thank you for sharing!! You inspire so many thru your words and authenticity!! May you feel God’s presence so close!

  19. So much truth in your words. We don’t know who’s next to be called home so we continue to love on those here.
    Love to you in Christ❤️❤️❤️

  20. Julie this is amazing and SOOO true! We never know when the last time we see, hug, or kiss someone will be the last! You are an amazing strong woman who has a heart of GOLD! Thank you for your words! 😘😘😘

  21. Julie, Thank you for sharing this today. It touched my heart. Blessings to you and Joe as you go through this journey.

  22. I have lost relatives to neurological diseases (Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s).
    It is very hard to watch them slowly drift away from you, but my faith reminds me that when we meet again they will be restored, the way I remember them.

  23. So well said! Having lived away from all my family for much longer than living with them in same area, each “good by” became more difficult…knowing it could be the last. Joe, you and your family are in prayers.

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